City of Jacksonville, Texas - CLOSED

City of Jacksonville, Texas - CLOSED

CAT 416C Backhoes
Ford 6610 Tractor
Leeboy L8-1000T Asphalt Laydown Machine
Leeboy 400 Steel Wheel Roller
Ford Ranger Pickups
Ford F250 Pickups
GMC 1500 Pickups
Ford F150 Pickups
Ford Crown Vics
Ford Taurus
Toro Batwing Mower
Approx. (7) Tables & (1) Scoreboard
Yamaha Organ
Ice Maker
Approx. (13) CPUs
Misc. Lawn Equip - Weedeaters, lawn mower, air compressor & other misc
Hose Reel
(3) Pallets of Emergency Equip. - Light bars, controls, wiring harness, push bars, partitions, cages, other
Misc. Electronics- Sanyo TV & (13) Video lock boxes
Christmas Décor
Ricoh Aticio MP-W2400 Plotter/Printer
Xerox 3001 Plotter/Printer
Computer Electronics - monitors, flat screens, keyboards, fax machines, phones, CPUs
Office Equipment - 8' light fixtures, 4' light fixtures, file cabinets, gas heater
Furniture - Book Shelves, Coffee table, chair
Furniture - Wooden desk, Cubical Desk, Wooden Shelves
(6) Pictures/Paintings
(11) Pictures/Paintings
Furniture - (15) Folding Chairs, Table, Computer desk, other

Total of 42 Lots

Ended on